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How to Cancel Your Turkision Subscription

  1. Sign in to Your Account: If you are not already logged in, access your Turkision account by logging in with your username/e-mail and password.
  2. Go to Manage Account Page: Click on your profile name/photo at the top right of your screen, then click on “manage account”.
  3. Select “Cancel Subscription”: Click on “Cancel Subscription” button in the table below.
  4. Refresh the page: To see that your subscription has been canceled, refresh the page and check the table again. You will also receive an e-mail regarding the cancelation of your subscription.

If you encounter any problem while canceling your subscription at Turkision, you can also visit your PayPal account and cancel your subscription there.

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Can I Still Log in And Access Turkish TV Series/Turkish Movies with English Subtitles After Ending My Subscription?

Yes, you can still log in and access Turkish TV series and movies with English subtitles until the end of your current billing period, even after canceling your subscription. After this period, subscription-only privileges will be removed, but you’ll still have access to your Turkision account.

I Ended my Subscription. What If I Want to Subscribe Again Someday?

If you decide to re-subscribe in the future, log in to your account and visit this page (manage account page). Scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the subscription options and complete your payment to start watching Turkish series again!

Can I Upgrade or Downgrade My Current Plan?

Yes, you can downgrade or upgrade your plan. For example, if you’re on a 6-month subscription and approaching the end of your term, but you’d like to remain a subscriber without spending another $45—or perhaps you only need one more month—you can switch to the 1-month plan. Simply select it from the options at the bottom of this page, complete your payment, and you’ll be switched to the 1-month plan.

You might be wondering: what happens to the remaining days or weeks on your current plan? Don’t worry! Your new plan won’t take effect until your current plan expires, ensuring you won’t lose any days while switching between plans.

If you still have any questions, you can contact us here.

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